Lunski's Clutter

This is a place to put my clutters, no matter you like it or not, welcome here.


The Age of Innocence [Stage 5]


It’s a long story, I found stage 5 have more hard words, phrase, and scene transitions, if I just read this novel, I must spend so many times, so I adopted another strategy to understand the story better when I finished Chapter 2.

Watch the movie first and then write down my thoughts.

  1. Phrase (片語)
  • As.. as
    As important as life and death

  • Not only, but …
    Not only did his keen sense of honour forbid his repeating anything privately imparted, but he was fully aware that his reputation for discretion increased his opportunities of finding out what he wanted to know.

  1. More character interactions and scene transitions. (更多人物互動與場景轉換)
  • Vocabularies(遺漏單字)
    governed 治理
    buttonhole 鈕扣洞
    enormous 巨大的
    confess 承認,坦白
    eagerness 熱切
    scandals 醜聞
    ungenerous 粗心大意
    generous 慷慨
    desperate 絕望
    fiancée 未婚妻
    fiance 未婚夫
    trousers 褲子(英式, pants美式)
    stiffly 僵硬的
    bitter 苦的
    acquaintance 熟人
    prodigies 神童
    enchanted 令人著迷的
    disposed 處置
    thrill 快感
    possessorship 佔有
    absorbed 吸收
    masculine 男性
    simpleton 傻瓜
    enlightening 啟發性
    tact 機智
    harsh 殘酷的
    exclaimed 驚呼
    foremost 最重要的
    glance 一目了然
    unruffled 不動聲色
    overhung 垂掛
    moustache 鬍子
    betrothed 訂婚的
    dawned 黎明
    disapprovingly 不以為然
    discredited 名譽受損
    sedentary 久坐
    corpulent 肥胖
    haughty 傲慢
    effrontery 無理
    untying 解開
    affluence 富裕
    thrifty 節儉
    transient 瞬間
    semicircle 半圓
    bosom 胸懷
    accustomed 習慣
    vicegerent 代理
    brute 蠻橫
    lashes 睫毛
    hazarded 危險的
    irreverent 不敬的
    insinuate 暗示
    double entendre 雙關語
    thoroughly 徹底
    stir 騷動
    decisive 決定性的
    impelled 推動
    proclaim 宣布
    anomalous 異常
    abruptly 突然
    overruled 否決
    scruples 遲疑
    corridors 走廊
    dignity 尊嚴
    virtue 美德
    faint 頭暈
    pale 蒼白
    delicacies 佳餚
    niece 姪女
    bent 彎曲
    radiant 容光煥發
    ostentatiously 炫耀的
    glance 一目了然
    agreeable 合適的
    flippancy 輕率的

Google doc's voice recognizes' precision needs to be improved.

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